Dr. Charles Courtemanche explains his latest study published in the Health Affairs journal about the effect of stay-at-home orders, business closures and other government measures in the spread of COVID-19.

Coronavirus Economics #6: Social Security and Medicare
ISFE Research Associate Daniel Di Martino explains the how the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic worsens the already grim financial outlook of the Social Security and Medicare programs.

Coronavirus Economics #5: The Costs and Benefits of Government Action
Dr. John Garen explains how policymakers and the public should weight and decide which restrictions to impose during the coronavirus pandemic.

Coronavirus Economics #4: The Effect on the Stock Market
Dr. Grant Clayton talks about the financial effect of the current pandemic, the stock market as a leading indicator, and what are the prospects for the future.

Coronavirus Economics #3: Why are there shortages of basic goods?
Daniel Di Martino explains why toilet paper and other basic goods are hard to find in stores. The answer is anti-price gouging laws (price controls) implemented by state governments.
You can read Di Martino's op-ed in about this topic here.

Coronavirus Economics #2: Government Failure in the Pandemic
Dr. Art Carden explores the many ways in which government, rather than helping us fight the pandemic, is making it worse and proposes how we can fix it.
Dr. Art Carden has also written a few AIER articles relating to the governments failure during this pandemic, you can read below: